"The Modern Reader's Bible" published 1912.
My great-grandmother's name is inside the front cover, followed by "Delta Gamma," leading me to assume this was another school book from her college years.
This version contains an Apocrypha section as well, with the three books Tobit, Wisdom, and Ecclesiasticus - not commonly found in modern bibles.
The book is heavily marked up throughout, with notes written into the edges of the pages and many passages underlined. The cover is completely detached from the pages.
Probably the thickest book in the lot, it is rather imposing and dwarfs many of its neighbors on the shelf.

"The Cloud of Unknowing" this printing, 1948.
This book "is an anonymous work of Christian mysticism written in Middle English in the latter half of the 14th century. The text is a spiritual guide on contemplative prayer and the esoteric techniques and meanings of late medieval monasticism." (taken from wikipedia).
My grandfather's name is inside the front cover just once. The dust jacket is in 2 pieces, holding onto the book by gravity alone, depending on which way I hold the book.

"Poems" by William C. Bryant, c. 1907.
This book was published by the Henry Altemus Company, which started in 1842 and closed up shop in 1932. So the book clearly predates 1933, although there is no date in the book at all. Matching similar cover design online with a preservation site for the publishing company, I am estimating 1907 for the date of the book.
Inside the front cover is the name Dorothea Schubler (or perhaps Schuller). The name is not familiar to me.

"Outwitting Our Nerves - A Primer of Psychotherapy" by Josephine A. Jackson, M.D. and Helen M. Salisbury, 1921 - this publishing, 1944.
Nothing written into any of the pages.
For this shot, I really wanted to see the bulk of my progress, so I pulled out all 80 of the books I had shot so far, and added today's book.

"Everybody's Book of Short Poems" edited by Don Lemon, c. 1890.
A collection of poems, with wonderful ads inside the covers for Borwick's Baking Powder, The Crown Perfumery Co.'s Crab-Apple Blossoms perfume, Cadbury's Cocoa, and Nathaniel Berry's Pianos.

I would love to have large posters of these ads on my wall and might make an attempt to focus on photographing solely the ads at some point to do so.

"Christian Healing" by Charles Fillmore, 1909 - this publishing, 1954.
Another book by the founder of the Unity Church, this one has the name Ina Angus inside the front cover along with what looks to be an address and a phone number, none of which are familiar, but there is one lonely paperclip bookmark binding pages 33-40 together, which is now becoming quite familiar.

"Hamlet" by William Shakespeare, c. 1599-1601, this publishing, 1929.
The front cover is detached and the back cover is missing, but the pages are still holding together.
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