"Insights Into Reality" by Flower A. Newhouse, 1975.
Newhouse's name has come up before, with book #45, months ago. This is an actual book by her this time, though. The "Christian mystic and seer with unsurpassed credentials, her unbroken experience of the inner worlds stands as a landmark of human evolution." If I ever write a book, I hope I can get someone to put something like that about me on the back cover as well.
My grandmother's name is written on the first page, underneath an address label of hers. On the last page, three or four words are written, but I cannot make them out.

"Spiritual Unfoldment 1" by Grace Cooke, 1941 - this printing 1982.
My grandmother's name is written on the first page, and there is one paperclip bookmark on page 19/20.
There is also a pressed coin, of sorts, tied to some green string, attached to a metal clip that is grasping the binding. The coin bears the image of a large, ornate building, with the words "Mormon Temple - Salt Lake City". This is the only Mormon connection in any of the books.

"Chuang Tzu - Basic Writings" translated by Burton Watson, 1964.
Zhuangzi (or Chuang Tzu) was a 4th Century BC Chinese philosopher best known for this work known by his name. His philosophy was influential in the development of Chinese Buddhism and Murray Rothbard called him "perhaps the world's first anarchist".
Burton Watson is an accomplished translator of Chinese and Japanese literature and poetry.

"The Science of Mind" by Ernest Holmes, 1926.
The book that started the whole Religious Science movement to begin with, this one is based off the 1938 revision, but is a 26th printing with no publishing date.
There is an inscription on the first page to my uncle Jim, "On his graduation from the Junior Church Department of The Christ Church of Religious Science, Whittier, California. Yours in Love and Truth, Reena Lady Smith. September 17, 1961."
I'm not 100% certain of the name being "Reena", though, but that's the best as I can decipher the handwriting.
There are two of my grandmother's paperclip bookmarks a few pages apart, in Part Five: Lessons from the New Testament - Teaching of Jesus.
The dust yellow jacket has seen better days.

"Des Moines Women's Club - 39th Annual Announcement" published by the DMWC, 1924-1925.
This is a year book of all the activity and business that went on in the club from 1924-1925. It includes a list of members w/addresses, officers, committees, past presidents, board of directors, by-laws, the secretary's report, reports from various committees, department directories, house rules, and even a section listing the art possessions and loans made during the year.
There is also a perforated page in the back to be torn out for application to the club. A $10 initiation fee and a $10 club dues "must be enclosed herewith."
As far as I can tell, two of my ancestors are listed in this book. Gertrude Garver, my great-great-grandfather's sister-in-law and Bayne and Bill's mother, and Ida Garver, on another further branch of the Garver side. Ida was in the Social Department and Gertrude was in the Art Department.
I find it interesting that all of the women in the directory, in fact throughout the entire book mostly, are listed under their husband's name. Gertrude is listed as Mrs. Carleton Garver, Ida as Mrs. John A. Garver. For a women's club, I would have hoped they had established themselves more so as individuals and less as who they married. Either way, I have a feeling that the names listed here are who's who of Des Moines in the 1920s.
The DMWC was founded in 1885 and is still operating. I see they even have a facebook page.
This book is in practically pristine condition. I hope I look this good at 85 years.