"Power Through Constructive Thinking" by Emmet Fox, 1932 - this twelfth edition, 1940.
Another book from the popular Depression-era minister, this book was written the same year as book #91.
My great-grandmother wrote her name inside and dated it 1945. The cover is worn, but there are no other markings of note.

"Training for the Life of the Spirit - Pamphlet No. 1" by Gerald Heard, 1941.
The companion to book #53, the two copies of Heard's booklets here as in similar shape as the other set. One is marked up considerably, the other is practically pristine. They both bear the stamp of the Metaphysical Library and Bookshop at 177 Post Street.
The marked up copy is dated 5-17-47 and also has a small card tucked in between pages 30 and 31 - a prayer by Ella Syfers Schenck printed by the Unity School of Christianity out of Kansas City, Missouri.

"The Doré Lectures" by Thomas Troward, 1909 - this fifteenth printing, 1946.
My great-grandmother's name is on the first page, dated Sept 1948. The beginning of the book has quite a few marked up pages, but not further in.

"We Never Sleep" is the motto.

"The Later Poems of Tagore" by Sisirkumar Ghose, 1961 - this printing, 1975.
A critical study of the works of Rabindranath Tagore, an Indian poet who lived from 1861 to 1941. In 1913, Tagore was the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.

"From Darkness to Light - Poems and Parables - The Collected Works of Krishnamurti Volume One" by Jiddu Krishnamurti, 1980.
Another book of Krishnamurti's works, this one is in pristine condition and has two papers tucked inside the front cover.
The first is a Business Reply Card for Harper and Row Publishing, the other is an accompanying form letter from Clayton E. Carlson, the publisher of the Religious/General Books Department.
The letter describes the book being a donation to the library, and requests the reply card be filled out and sent back if the rest of the series is requested.

"All Things Are Yours" by Lillian De Waters, 1930.
Another booklet from De Waters, this one is part of her 'Practical Demonstration Series No. 2' and a few passages are underlined in pencil.

"The Impersonal Life" by Joseph Brenner, 1914 - this fourteenth printing, 1946.
One self-improvement website claims that this was the book that Elvis "had been looking for all his life" and that he would give out copies of the book for free. Although I cannot find a reference on the quote, even Amazon.com ranks it as his #1 favorite spiritual book, behind the Bible, of course.
My grandfather's address label is inside the front cover.
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